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Setting the Tone – Part 3
To recap the progression of pain and muscle dysfunction, remember that something (emotional or physical) first triggers muscular tension in a specific area. Left untreated, your body will begin using another area to compensate in order to avoid aggravating the tensed...

Setting the Tone – Part 2
As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, your body will learn to overcompensate for weakened, painful and tightened muscles. Over time, connective tissues (called fascia) form lines of strain along these contracted, tense muscles. Think of fascia as a net that holds...

Setting the Tone – Part 1
A car accident, a dietary change, a stressful event, or exercising with the wrong form - these are all factors that can trigger tension throughout your body. Over time, this tension can progress to such a severity that requires the help of a healthcare professional to...

Stop Chasing Pain
Many patients come in to my clinic with an aching neck, stubborn lower back pain and niggling shoulder ache - but having spent an hour of assessing, testing and applying manual therapy techniques - the source of the problem is elsewhere in the body. An aching neck...

The Magic of Touch
The Healing Power of Touch featured in an archive edition of Life magazine back in 1997 is an excellent article that studies the numerous benefits for all ages of receiving massage therapy as a form of medicine.Be it a premature new born infant that is clinging onto...

The Basics of Breathing Consciously
Air is the most critical element for humans, with water following a close second as the source of all life. Its no wonder that many of us take our ability to breath clean and fresh air for granted. Body Smart Health would like you to start breathing consciously and...

Why Massage Therapy is Necessary for an Active Healthy Life
LIFE GETS BUSY, and sooner or later it takes over! And not in a good way. Between your attempt to make ends meet, running a household, keeping your family together and not forgetting to have some fun occasionally – it is all too easy to forget about yourself, your...

The Miracle that is Water
Dehydration Benjamin Wedro, MD, FACEP, FAAEM & Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD Dehydration facts: The body needs water to function. Dehydration occurs when water intake is less than water loss. Symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. The young and the elderly...

Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!
This is BIG NEWS for many RMTs and Integrated Health Practitioners as I for one have seen my fair share of Fibromyalgia cases. For the individuals that have to suffer the pain of Fibromyalgia this is a major breakthrough and now that we are understand the source of...